WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Sunday 21 February 2010

Research Thriller/Horror Movie: When Night Falls

Here is another essay of a film called When Night Falls which is the same genre as our 2 minute sequences.

As the movie begins the screen is balck yet their is a non diegetic sound effect of sort of a howling which adds the mysterious spooky effecft all ready to the movie. Then after two seconds white writing waves in like a ghost which are the credits, already this has set the genre for the film due to the effects used which relate to Thriller and Horror. The first scene is the camera with a long shot looking up at the trees, by looking at the sky the audience can tell it is about to get dark again their is non diegetic sound in the background with emphasises on the horror effect of spookiness. As the movie goes on it already has raised questions for the audience because the camera cuts from one tree to another, a few seconds later it fades to black with credits again but this time when it goes back to the movie there is a quick blink effect which the audience hardly gets to see anything, this method allows to keeo the suspense up and keeps the audience at the edge of their seats.

After the credits are over the camera cuts to a close up of a newspaper revealing a photo of a women with a heading "Asteron Nurse Found Strangled", this is a typical Thriller/Horror scene as in many films related to this genre a lot of murders, killing and mysterious actions take place. Whilst the newpaper is being shown their still is non diegetic sound in the background which is building up tension. The sound is a high pitch but is being played at a slow steady tempo, this adds that extra bit of thought to the film and makes the audience wonder first the trees and now this murder case. When you think the movie is about to begin the camera cuts to the trees and the sky then back to credits then back to a newpaper this time revealing another nurse who has been murdered, with a small header underneath saying killer still on the loose, at this point the audience is really thinking what is going on because this is the second nurse who has been murdered but why a nurse. The credits and showing the tree shots keep on going untill 3minutes and 40 seconds untill the camera cuts to a hospital where a nurse is sitting down, at her desk working.

Here we are introuduced to one nurse who is sitting down working whilst having a cup of tea. Whilst she is at her desk the colour palette is very dark and gloomy which again represents Thriller/Horror. While she is sitting down the high pitch slow tempo non diegetic sound is there but when she hears a noise is beings to get abit faster, which build suspense in what is going to happen next, as she walks there is a tracking shot of her then a point of view shot of her looking down the corridor, again the colour palette is dark and as you can see even the door at the end of the corridor is dark aswell which put togother emphasis on the genre and build up tension, as the audience now is worried for this nurse who is firstly a women and has been represented as soft, calm and terrified as you can see she is walking very slowly down the corridor. Then suddenly a hand reaches out to grab her and pulls her in.

The openeing leaves a question of why is someone going around killing nurses, what is the reason behind it and finally who is it.

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