WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Sunday 12 September 2010

Risk Assessment

We have done a risk assessment to plan ahead to make sure whilst we are filming we are safe and the location we are filming is safe for others so no one thinks that anything we are doing will harm them or think that is a criminal offence.

1) (1) To avoid any misunderstanding about what we will be recording we will talk to the locals to tell them what we will be doing any why.

2) (2) To avoid anyone tripping over whilst running we will have to make sure our shoes are tightly laced up and fitted.

3) (3) The fight scenes have to be carefully acted out as someone could get hurt really badly.

4) (4) As we will be falling to the ground to add realism, before acting check ground for any sharp objects which may cause harm.

5) (5) To avoid anyone getting hurt with the baseball bat we will try to act out the scenes without the bat actually going near the victim yet still make it look realistic.

6) (6) We have to make sure no one falls of their bike and get hurt so we will check there are and have a test ride to familiarise our self with the ground levels and nature.

7) (7) When Curtis will get covered in blood we will have to make sure none of it will go in his eye as it could damage his eyes, so we will avoid getting blood on his eyes and keep tissues in case it start dripping.

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