WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Sunday 12 September 2010

Change of Plan

My group and I have had a change of idea, like my last post said we will be doing a animation, well we have been doing some experiments with various objects to see what the outcome of the video will be and thought it does not look like A2 level work as it would have involved little lego men, cars and lego building, I will post the animated videos to show you what we came up with but now we have decided to do a “normal” short film which involves “humans”.

Our idea is a horror genre short film, which will be about a guy who has been murdered in a park, that is the main idea we have thought about more of the story but if I post it now then there, will be no excitement when the end short film is posted. Hopefully this ideas will go well as we have a solid idea now its just about getting out there and taking the pictures for the location which I will do within this week and also need to start film so once we start filming I will post an update.

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