WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Posters Response

I showed Blawal and Curtis the posters and they liked them a lot, they suggested that the poster with the red writing looks better than the blue writing one, as out film includes blood, they said that the red writing emphasises on the blood and related tothe film.

Now what will happen is I will take a picture or they will take a picture of themselves send it to me and I will create a poster which has all three of us on it. The reason for this is that when you look at posters of films such as Fast and Furious 4, Rush Hour 3, Salt or any other posters,one thing which is in common is that there is a image of all the main characters on the poster, so as three of us are the main characters I want to add a photo of all of us and also this will show our viewers who is part of FUGATIVE PRODUCTIONS.

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