WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Thursday 28 October 2010

Video Diary Cutted Into Sections

I have edited the video diaries by cutting them down in to shorter little clips, the reason for this is because if I had them all together as one whole video footage it would all together, would have been at least 30 minutes or maybe longer, if someone was going to watch the video diary as a whole, 30 minutes long video diary would cause two problems.

One would be that due to the the duration time the video would keep on buffering as it is such a bug file and take up a lot of the viewers time, secondly watching a 30 minute video diary would be very boring for the viewers, so what I have done is taken out the main parts out of the video and made smaller video clips under different sections, this makes it easier for the viewer to understand what is going on and most importantly understand the different scenes in our film.

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