WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Devil's playground!

Finally after all the filming, editing, stress, errors, re shoots and mistakes made, the day my partner and I have been waiting for has finally come, the completed movie THE DEVILS PLAYGROUND ! PRESS PLAY & ENJOY !!!!!!!!! remember ITS A FUGATIVE PRODUCTION !!!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Out takes

This video shows the parts which we had filmed but did not add in to our final sequence either because of our rubbish recording or bad acting, also this footage has not been edited at all, there are no special effects either.

Monday 26 April 2010

Video Diary 2


Costume is a crucial part of any film because it adds reality to the scene also represents the character. After doing the research about Thriller/Horror we went back to look at how characters have been dressed, obviously we are unable to get ourown designed clothes made so we moved on to other films which are not related to our genre but include murderers, or characters who commit offences such as violence, the first movie which came to mind was Adulthood.

The chracters in this movie where all young adults age range from 16-19. There is a lot of violence through out the movie also weapons have been used such as knifes, baseball bat and a gun. In our movie we have also decided to use a knife and gun so getting ideas for costumes from this movie was a positive result. We finally decided the Blawal would be either in a full tracksuit with trainers or a hoody and joggers with trainers. We also focused on the colour so we decided that he would wear dark colours such as black, dark grey or dark blue with maybe a bit of white, these colours represent mysterious and unknown with a bit of white. Undeneath are the pictures clothes which possibly will get used or along these lines:

As for Imran who is playing a role of a child who has been murdered, we thought a bit longer after watching movie which include kids whio have been murdered we came to a conclusion that either he wears jeans, trainers and a smart top or tracksuit bottoms with a white top. We decided that Imran would wear light colours or white becuase it represents innocence.

Friday 23 April 2010

Location 1 Images (Grenfell Park)


Location 2 Images (Hurworth Avenue Open Space)

Video Diary

Thursday 22 April 2010

Software Which Will Be Used

Just like The Gift (Preliminary Task) for our two minute opening sequence we will be using the same three software’s which are again Final Cut Express, Live Type and possibly Garage Band depending if we do add sound effects. After playing around with these software’s at the start my partner and I have a much clear understanding on how they work so hopefully when it does come to applying the skills which we have picked up to our sequence we will be able to do a better job (well we hope or I hope we do.)

We have just recoreded our sequence The Devils Playground and have started editing it. We have started of using Final Cut Express to import the video and decide which bits we will use and which parts we won't. The screen show below shows how we tranfered the recorded files from the camera onto the Mac's. We decided to move all the recoreded footage onto the laptop as we can go through each and everyone to see which one we will need, instead of tranferring them one by one and then realsing the one we needed we have not transferred, this will also save time.

Once the recorded footage has been successfully uploaded, you will be able to see all the different scenes on a window within Final Cut Express, as the image below shows now all we had to do was to decide, what the first scene would be and work our way untill the end. Once we had done that then we would go on and think about how we will edit the footage.

Once we decieded the order we dragged each footage one by one into the time line which is provided below the window which is in the image above. The image below shows what the time line looks like with the footage all lined up in the order we want it. Once the order was sorted we then went back and watched what we had put togother, to keep a continous flow between each frame we had to make sure that the footage was cutted in the correct place, for example one scene is where the camera is on the floor and Blawal walks past and chuks the weapon which he has used to murder a victim on the floor, once he has chucked it, I had to press stop recording so we could move onto the next scene, so as i stopped the recording the camera actuall moved quite a bit, if i left this movement in their it would have ruined the sequence and would have been an epic failure for a fluent continuality, so we had to use the cutting tool to cut that part off, we also had to cut other footage either at the beginning or the end.

In the image below you can also see a black dots which has a line going through it, which then goes down, this is an effect which we had decided to use known as a fade, this edit technique was used to able us to achieve the effect which we wanted to do which i will not tell you now but you will see in the complete movie, so you will have to wait.

The image below shows the software called Live Type, this software helped us to produce the title of our film, directed, starring and the credits. The titles took a lot of time to make because as I said before i had no knowledge about the software and how to use it apart from a little from before when we did our Preliminary Task. The reason why this time it took us ages was because we had to use the right font and effects on our text so it would relate to our genre of our movie which is Thriller/Horror. We also had to test the titles to see if once we added them to our sequence would it look good and relate to the movie.

This image below is the timeline for the Live Type software which just like Final Cut Express shows you where and how long each of the lettering will take to appear and how long they will stay in the screen for again to see the end resullt you will have to wait for the final piece to be uploaded so be patient.

Friday 16 April 2010

The Devils Playground Story Board

Just like we did for the preliminary task, we have made storyboards for our 2 minute opening sequence, this is because on the day we have a rough idea on what to shoot and how obviously we will have to improvise when we get there because while planning we sort of forgot what the location actual looks like because Balawal lives in Slough and I live in Maidenhead and the location is in langley. But yeah, at least we have a rough idea which will help us.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Ideas About The Two Minute Opening Sequence

Today Blawal and I sat down to decide what our story line would be for our two minute opening sequence, keeping in mind that our genre is Thriller/Horror. With some of the research which we had collected we saw quite a few opening sequences which inspired us to relate our sequence with ghosts but to get the realistic make up and props with all the setting work was out of our reach, so we came up with our first idea which was two people are walking through a empty park but as they are walking there is a ghost on a swing, this ghost can only be seen by the audience not the characters themselves, so the two guys walk on and decide to jump the fence and explore the place, one of the characters is hyper and up for it where as the other character is scared a bit, as the hyper character jumps over the fence we thought we could have a point of view shot from a behind the woods which does not reveal who this character is, as the hyper character manages to jump over, we would cut back to the scared character who decides not to jump over and wait for his friend to return but whilst waiting he hears a noise from the other side of the fence so he decides to walk down the to see what it was, then we could cut to a point of view of him looking through the fence and some man appears with blood all over his face with a gun in his hand, then we would have a cut to the hyper character who hears a gunshot and rushes back over to see what has happened.

We also later come up with a second idea which was a killer who is on the run because he has murdered someone now the police is chasing him, and due to running away and taking all sorts of turns he ends up jumping over a fence which is blocking his way, and looks around for anyone so he can get rid of his weapon which he has used to murder someone, but as he walks along he discovers a park which he thinks he has seen and come to before but cannot remember anything, then as he walks towards the park he looks at the swing, and just feels he has defiantly been to this place before, as he looks around he then sees a soul of a kid which is swinging on the swing and he gets very confused and scared that he is seeing beyond what an human eye can see and starts to get really scared.

After thinking about the location where we would actually film the sequence and which idea would turn out to be realistic and could be achievable to actually film, we decided to go with the second idea because we had to locations in mind which would be perfect to film which are Grenfell Park which is in Maidenhead and also an estate park which is near one of our friends house. Another reason why we went for the second idea was because the locations which we knew of we were unable to film the shots we would have wanted to which would have made us change the story completely. Now that we have decided on the story we proceeded to draw up the story board for the sequence.

Once we had finished brainstorming our storyline and location we had to decide the name of our movie name as the will represent and wrap up our movie. We came up with quite a few names such as the park killer, haunted park, mysterious woods and many more but the one which stood out the most was Devils Playground, the idea came up from why would some one commit a crime because the devil side of them provokes them, then we thought of another word for park which is playgorund and put them togother and came up with the final movie name.

Whilst thinkin about a film name, I also though about a production name, the reason behind a production is there to be recognised so to make sure when ever anyone watches our movie they know who made it and who those people are, after a lot of thought we came up with our production name which is " A FUGITIVE PRODUCTION", the word fugitive means "Running away or fleeing, as from the law". below is an image showing our name in the chosen text but later on we will edit the text using Live Type.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Health And Safety Risk Assesment

Whilst planning our 2minute sequence Devils Playground, we also had to think about the health and safety of everyone whilst filming. Here is a list

1. Blawal could trip over his own shoe lasses whilst running. To avoid him falling we decided he wore shoes with straps or made sure his lasses where securely tied up.

2. One of the biggest risks which hopefully we will not experience is when Blawal is running along the road as I am recording him a car could turn the corner and maybe hit him this is obviously a very serious matter. We are trying to solve this either by recording in a different area of our decided location or getting someone to keep an eye of any oncoming cars, but we will see the actual situation once we get to the location.

3. Imran could fall of the swing as he is swinging and either fall backwards and hurt his head or fall forwards and hit the ground head first. To avoid this situation occurring me as a director made sure did not swing at a fast speed instead swing gently.

4. Another risk was that while we were filming in the woods none of us walked into a tree which had long sticks grown on to them, if we did without realising then could injure our eyes or face.

5. We must make sure before we step to look where we are stepping in case of any stingy nettles.

6. As a director I had to make sure whilst recording a tracking shot of Blawal I do not trip over because I will be walking backwards so I could trip over and hurt my back. To make sure this does not happen I will plan where I will walk before I start recording.

7. We will be using a fake knife which could make the local community believe it is real so they could call the police, but to make sure this will not happen we will tell the community before we start shooting what is happening.