WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Control (Textual Analysis 2)

I will now be analysing another short film called Control which is duration of 1 minute 1 second. The film starts of with a black screen which suddenly goes into the film with a point of view shot of a child looking at her mother who is stopping her from going outside as it is cold. Whilst watching this you can see a date at the top of the screen and two screens playing the same footage beside each other. At the beginning it is very confusing to see two screens playing the same footage at the same time as you do not see this effect in many films but as the film goes on later it becomes clear what the director has done and what the message is. You then cut to a over the shoulder shot with the camera placed behind the mums shoulder, from this view you are also able to the child’s reaction.

Once the camera cuts to a medium shot this is when you will start realising the purpose of the two screens, the left screen shows the little girl listening to her mum where as the right screen shows a little girl who ignored her parent and does what she wants to, throughout the short film there is a diegetic sound playing which is a basic beat at a slow pace, as the film goes you beginf to understand what the film is about as you see more dates appear and see her as she is older and see the two colour contrasts. The left hand is a clear, bright and warm colours showing her reading a book from a medium shot, you can also see the lighting in this scene is also quite bright which again represents the warmth and makes the scene stand out, whereas at the same time on the right hand side you have the same camera angle and set up yet the scene is dark, grey, upsetting there is no lighting the character herself looks rough where as on the opposite screen she looks well presented. The camera then cuts to a long shot revealing more where the scene is shot and another character is walking past where again the right scene shows the character talking to main female character where as on the left she completely walks past her as if no one is sitting there. This is where the viewer starts to question themselves and trying to figure out what the story is about, what have these two have in common what is the relation between these two.

After seeing one the characters walking off one going towards the exit and the other clearly going to smoke due to dialogue, keeping in mind the digetic sound is still playing we cut to a tracking shot of a women from behind in two different locations the left scene is again in colour in a luxury building where as the other one is in some street near flats again cut to a close up of the face, being able to see the two faces and costumes you begin to realise that one has descent clothes on and is on the phone and in good health where as the other scene you see her wearing cheap black coat with a hat in the freezing cold in the evening , then a long shot reveals clearly that one of them has job as she is being recorded with a microphone in her hand where as the other she is on the streets cold resting her body against a metal fence which clearly indentifies the right hand one is financially stabled the other is clearly. At this point the diegetic sound also begins to speed up and becomes more louder and more intense as it begins to reveal the two different lifestyles which these women have. But if you think it through you begin to realise what you have just seen is basically the difference between the same girl depending on what actions she took about her life and how she lived her life and whether she listened to her parent.

This video clearly indicates that listening to your parents will only benefit you at the end of the day and being control of your own actions and education will result in a either a positive way or a negative as it is all up to you how you live your life and what routes you take. The film ends of with a bang sound effect and eventually starts to fade out.


Finally here is now the full completed version of Walk In The Park for all of you lovely bloggers or viewers to watch and experience the big step we have taken from making our first AS 3minute opening sequence to A2 5minute opening film HOPE YOU LIKE IT.


Final Poster And Review Page

Friday 3 December 2010

Review Page

A review page as we found out is a brief yet detailed analysis of the movie. All 3 of us went through a movie magazine to see what a movie review looks like the main points we got were:

· One large sized main image with a small one on the side to back it up or just the one large image

· Name of the film in big bold visible letters

· Page number

· Name of the director and other main cast members

· Duration of the film

· information about the film

· layout of text is in columns

· finally the company logo at the top

Thursday 2 December 2010

Influential Posters

Here the images from Google which we found of the posters whic are in the same genre as ours which we found very influential.

This poster you can see the main character in very dark and suspicious clothes, this is represented through the colour of the clothes which he is wearing also that he has a hoody. In many cases hoodies have been represented or related to gang violence, murders and other criminal offences as the murder does not want to be seen and uses a hood to cover his face . by looking at the poster and looking at the colours used black and dark icy blue with white text, firstly the white text on the dark coloured background makes the text stand out which is important as the viewer who is looking at the poster must figure out what the name of the film is called if he or she wishes to go watch it. The dark colours used creates a misty confused thought as you start asking questions to yourself on the spot about who is this character what is his role in the film and what mysterious history or actions are following him. Last point is the pose which the character is standing even though his body is at a slight angle the characters face is facing the person who may be looking at the poster so this is another effect which is useful as it can draw people attention and feel as they are being watched because a good posters need to be attractive and easy to relate to.

This second poster is more to the point with the character yet still raises questions. The poster you can see again another actor who is wearing a hoody this time it is read, holding a clearly visible knife which straight away catches attention and makes the viewer realise this is a horror movie. Unlike the poster before the name of the film is in big bold letters which really stand out and are there to be seen. The red hoody has been used very cleverly as combining it with a knife it automatically gives you an image of blood related genre.

The things which each of these posters have in common are the main character on the poster so the viewers know who to look out for, the name of the film itself so viewers are able to know what the film is called, a slogan which is catchy and memorable and also very spine tingling, name of the main actors involved in the film, logos of company which has distributed or funded the film itself and also other team members role within the whole project itself.


Below are some more posters which we have designed but this time using Adobe Photoshop, we realised after messing around on fireworks and photoshop that photoshop has clearly the more professional look so we decided to see what we could come up with. When we first started off we thought that we had a good poster but then we carried on trying to make it better and better as we go along we also looked at posters which had the same genre to ours to see get more ideas.

We are still working to come up with a final "PROFESSIONAL" looking posters and hope it fits the purpose of what posters are ment for and deffinatley make it look the part.