WBS Media 2010

A Fugitive Production !

Monday 8 March 2010

The Gift (Preliminary Sequence Movie)

After alot of trouble trying to upload this Preliminary Sequence we got help from Mr. Titheridge and realised that the blog does not take the file format which Final Cut Express uses, so he showed us how to export the file as a QuickTime Movie file.

Monday 1 March 2010

The Gift (Preliminary Sequence)

The preliminary sequence, once we had drawn up our storyboards, which clearly identified what the story line, is we started recording. While we were drawing our story boards we had to make sure that four technical codes have been used these were, shot-reverse-shot, match on action and maintaining 180 degree rule.

We went to the location which was in the school, we first tested the scene to make sure the cameraman was able to record the scene without any problems and that the actors are able to act their scene and knew exactly where to move and what they are doing. The equipment, which we used, was bag and a camera, the reason why we used a bag was to reflect on the title, which is “The Gift”, the bag also adds tension for the audience to make them think what could possibly be in the bad as the scene goes on. So basically before we recorded we done a test run of the scene, once all the ideas were finalised, we started recording.

Once we had finished recording we headed back to the class were we then uploaded our preliminary sequence clip onto the Apple Mac, were we would now edit the sequence. To edit our sequence we used three different software’s the first one was called Final Cut Express, this software allowed us to cut clips in and out, this helped us to make the sequence maintain a continuous flow. The second software used is known as Garage Band, this allowed us to add a soundtrack at the beginning of the sequence to add tension as Osaama one of the actors was walking. The last software used was Live Type, this helped us to create a title which would be shown before the sequence itself started; also this software helped us to create credits which are shown at the end of the sequence.

The things which went well were, that due to all the planning which we had done before heading out to record, helped us to be organised instead of going to the scene and just recording and facing
problems. Even though none of us had used Final Cut Express, Garage Band or Live Type before we successfully managed to understand how to use the software’s, then were able to use them skills which we had learnt and apply them to our preliminary sequence.

The difficulties, which we faced, were the lack of knowledge we had about of the software’s, so we had to spend time testing the software’s so see what they are capable of. Another problem which we faced were that while we were recording due the camera not having full battery, we had to keep putting it on charge this made it difficult to record due to the wire not being long enough, which resulted in restrictions in our movements.

As a group we were impressed with the preliminary task outcome, to be precise it came out better than we thought it might, even though we were not used to the software’s, we believe that we still produced a decent sequence. The things which we could improve on was to use a HD camera instead of a standard camera so we could have a better quality footage, we should have charged the camera before heading out to record, spend more time testing the software’s so when it came to editing we could have made it look more professional and finally we could have shot from different angles including high and low angle again to make it more interesting to look at and make the sequence look more professional.